I'll start by admitting that we are not huge halloween fanatics here at our house. Not that we dislike the holiday, Thom and I just don't see the need to buy a lot of plastic and nylon items to adorn our house and yard with, only to store the rest of the year. I don't love the themes presented by Halloween to want to make my home an imagined scary place.
I'm here for the fall leaves, pumpkins, fall colors on the hills, cider, final flowers holding onto their petals as everything around them turns to muted browns, yellows, and oranges. I love the cooling of the weather, though the sun still warms in the afternoon. Also welcoming to the cloudy days that come and make the house feel a touch more cozy.
Let's not forget the kids excitement with dressing up and getting all of the candy. This year Hadley had a "dress up day" along with a pumpkin painting, where families were invited into the classroom to participate. All morning before preschool Hadley was set on dressing up as a dinosaur. (cute story: when I was out of town, Thom got the dates wrong so absolutely sent Hadley to preschool dressed as a dinosaur, and was the only kid dressed up that day). Once it was time to actually get dressed, she changed her tune to Princess, and wanted to dress in her blue dress. We played along and made sure she had the right layers for cooler temperatures, and sent her to preschool as a princess. There she joined the ranks of skeleton, some character from a cartoon, astronaut, skunk, bee, and I believe spider man is getting out of line.
Hadley lined up for preschool |
Thom and I took Sefton to his OT appointment for an hour, dropped him back off at school. We had time to run down the street for a coffee and quick bite before it was time to join Hadley and the other families for some pumpkin painting time with the princess.
Hadley and Thom picking the next paint color |
The next week, the schools here have a short week and give the kids a huge break of 3 days in order to host conferences for the staff and parents. We scheduled both kids on Wednesday, leaving Thursday entirely free of any obligations, except trick or treating of course. I invited some of our friends over for dinner. We made a croc-pot of chicken and orzo, so there was little to cook. I made a quick batch of Mac and cheese for the kids. Then we were off to hit the neighborhood. This time Hadley decided to be "super kitty". Dressed in warm clothing. A cape, a mask, and light up kitty-ears thanks to the adobe party I attended for work. Sefton opted to be a creeper again, utilizing the box-head Thom made last year. I am not sure he will be able to pull off the costume next year as it was a little tight. He wore the disco ball necklace light I brought home from the conference as his personal light. Sefton's friend pictured is Owen, dressed as Darth Maul from Star Wars. Posed on the porch with our carved pumpkins. Sefton this year carved his creeper face all on his own!
A creeper, a super kitty, and Darth Maul. |
As if the kids owned the night, we were off, stopping at every house with their porch lights on or decorations glowing. Some houses go all out. We saw blow ups, we saw skeletons, pumpkins, fog machines. Some had fire pits going in their driveway, others dressed their dogs. Hadley did great keeping up with the big kids this year. Years past she would run around excited, but not sure why. Last year she was about every other house. This year trailed behind, but didn't miss a house. Toward the end of the night I was carrying her between longer stretches of darkly lit houses. At one point she was telling me about all of her ailments. Her foot hurt, her legs were tired. I commented to her "You are just falling apart" and her reply without a pause and tone matter of fact: "then there will be no more Hadley".
Blurry night photo of the kids doing their thing |
Sefton, Hadley, Joanna, and Evan. |
Kids sorting their spoils |
Sefton and I weighed his candy haul, measuring in at 3lbs 8oz. Considering Hadley went to the same houses, we can safely assume that we came home with 7lbs of candy. How long will it take for us to get through it all?
Cider margaritas |
I made some "Haunted Halloween Margaritas" after the kids were in bed. A delicious way to unwind and enjoy some grown up "treats".
The final halloween celebration in store was a cocktail party hosted by some new friends. Costume party of course. Thom and I decided to go as Mary Poppins and Bert. Essentially something we could pull off with minimal effort. Thom needed a few period pieces to go with the basics he already had. Those being a Newsboys cap and a cravat (necktie from that time). These things are not easily sourced here in Wenatchee. Honestly I am not sure where you would find them in a city. No problem, a trip to goodwill rendered us a $5 wool coat. The internets provided a free pattern, and Voila - a Newsboys cap ready to play the part of Bert.
Finished product |
Next was the cravat. Bert wears something looking like a patterned brown silk in the movie. Silk is a little more difficult to find second-hand. We landed on a dark maroon cotton button shirt on sale. When I went to cut the shirt into pieces, it was easier for me to use some scrap nylon I had than to pull the pockets off the shirt to make enough fabric. I had a piece that matched well with the maroon and added a modern touch to the piece, and you wouldn't see it anyway.
Finished reversible cravat |
Trial fitting |
Bert and Mary Poppins ready for the party! |
For the part of Mary, I found a white button shirt at goodwill. I have a bin full of ribbon and lace. I found a perfect piece of lace to replace the traditional collar with and had a nice lace collar instead. I ran to Target for a lace top that I wore underneath to add some extra lace. I was planning on sewing a bowtie, however at Target I spotted some cute hair clips with bows, and one was the right color and shape to play the part. So Hadley also gets some hair clips and I saved an hour of pattern cutting and sewing. I wore an old wool skirt I inherited from somewhere, unsure if it was my grandmothers, or something my Mom made ages ago. It is homemade, wool, and fit the part. Along with a peacoat, scarf, and of course, red lipstick. We were party ready. Our fiends arranged a sitter for their kids and ours. We dropped Sefton and Hadley off in their pajamas, ready to settle in their bed until we picked them up.
Unfortunately I never thought to have our picture take at the party. Our friends came dressed as Jack and Jill. Jack (aka: Trevor) had a full head bandage on with fake blood and all. Jill (aka: Stef) was full of fake bruises and she even rubbed dead grass and leaves in her messy hair.
Our hosts were dressed as plague doctors, fitting as Chris is the local walk-in clinic provider and LaJean, his wife an experienced ER nurse, currently working in a local infectious disease clinic.
I did manage one selfie before heading home to get the kids. I had to capture that they went all out for their party, decorating everything, even the restroom.
They had an outdoor party tent outside with fires and heaters burning. I still had to wear my coat, and thankful I wore it as it was still pretty cold.
Bathroom selfie |
And that wraps the halloween season here at our house!