Weather No. 14.

We've had some fun weather this spring. Just no storms. Last night was as close as we got… we heard thunder and K got a lightning alert on her phone. But alas, nothing over our house.

Nevertheless, the light was absolutely stunning. 

It started out with the storm to the north, just out of reach.

I found S playing in the driveway and asked if he wanted to climb up the hill with me. "I know what you're doing," came his wry reply. He knows Daddy climbs up the hill to take pictures.

After giving him a quick tutorial on how to use Daddy's camera (the light was changing!), he took some photos. He's learning, but if he's like his older brother J he'll be an incredible photographer in no time.

Yep, the light was changing. I took my camera from him and while he climbed back down to Mommy in the yard, I kept at it until all that was left was the fading light amongst the clouds.

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