2006 T1N Sprinter: Glow plug replacement.

Glow plugs. Replacing them seems like a badge of honor job for all pre-2007 Sprinter owners. It can be a simple job or get complicated quickly. Thankfully, for our 2006 Sprinter it was simple. It took less than an hour.

The tools I used included:

Torque spec for the glow plugs: 10 ft-lbs

After watching a few YouTube videos, I jotted down these notes.
  1. Get the engine up to operating temp and then let it cool down
  2. Take off the connectors (pinch tabs on either side with hose-grip pliers)
  3. Crack/break free each plug (slowly)
  4. Use penetrating oil for any plugs that don't easily break free (I had to use it on three of them, but after a few minutes each of those came loose without much effort)
    1. If needed, tighten 1/8th of a turn FIRST
    2. Loosen/tighten/repeat if hard to un-thread
  5. Dab a small amount of anti-seize on the threads of plugs ONLY
  6. DO NOT cross thread
    1. Turn counterclockwise to seat plug then thread by hand
Times five for each plug. It really was that simple. 

The old plugs are on top. I'm not sure when they were replaced (which is why I was doing this) but all functioned. I wasn't getting a code or light on the dash, this was purely preventative. The new Bosch glow plugs (same as the ones I removed) are on the bottom (one was already installed).

It wasn't hard to get at any of the five plugs, even with a 6" wobble extension on my ratchet.

I applied a small amount of anti-seize to each of the threads to make it easier in the event I end up doing this job again.

I definitely threaded every plug in by hand until tight, then switched to my torque wrench set at 10 ft-lbs.

Then I was done. The van fired up right away. Another simple maintenance job on this good ol' Sprinter…

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