
Our little girl turned two now a couple weeks ago. K and I joke about our kids' birthdays being a celebration of 1) keeping them alive for another year and 2) ourselves surviving another year with them.

What can I say? I'm still shocked and surprised we have a girl. So here goes my little rant and rave (mostly rave) about this thing that has come into our lives and sort of just taken over.


Little Lump, you're Daddy's girl for sure. 

I mean, not really. But sometimes. Or at least one of us thinks so. We have our moments. Daddy gets more frustrated with you than I remember getting with your brother. Maybe it's because you're (a lot) more feisty. You've always had a pretty strong opinion and you aren't afraid to let us know what it happens to be. Maybe most impressively, Daddy is convinced you communicate like you're three years old. As in you speak in full sentences. It's crazy. You also understand an incredible amount of what we say to you and are able to say words and express yourself way beyond what I'd expect from your two years. You're also loud. Very, very loud. We can hear you across a store, from the other side of a park. We're pretty sure the neighbors know where you are at all times. 

The bummer is you're not much of a cuddler. I have to take what I can get, the moments I cherish when you come running up to Daddy and grab my legs in a 'big squeeze.' Or when we read books together and you sidle. That's right, how you aren't a cuddler you make up for as a semi-pro sidler. It's pretty adorable.

Which of course, so are you.

So far I've of course only spoken for myself. I know your brother loves and adores you. He also gets frustrated with you. I don't always blame him. You can be a lot to handle. Your excuse of not knowing what you're doing and still learning so much works though most of the time. Those days are numbered so don't get too used to it. Of course, Mommy is infatuated with you, too. She'd have a different rant and rave to share, I'm sure. Just know you're well-loved, all of you for the quirky, frustrating, gorgeous and wonderful thing that you are.

I have zero expectations of what it's like to have a girl. I've only done this parenting deal with a couple of boys. This is a whole other world, on a whole other level. What I do know is I'm mad-crazy in love with you and all of your opinions, all of your kisses, all of your hugs, all of your sidles, all of your yelling, all of your curls, all of what's left of your baby chubbiness. You're not really a baby anymore. You're definitely a full-blown toddler.

This next year with you is going to be a helluva rollercoaster. Daddy's ready, ish…

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