Chiaroscuro skies.

'Daddy's going to go outside soon to take photos of the sky,' K told H as she grabbed her for bath time. She knows me so well. S, my little photo assistant, headed outside with me to climb up the hill in our backyard.

The sunset did not disappoint.

I'd been watching the clouds all day while they churned, dissipated, collapsed, and exploded again. K saw the same clearing, beneath the dark sky to the west, just above the horizon. The sun would dip below it before it set, giving way to night. She has as good an eye as her husband.

The skies, as the sun lit up the dense clouds that had hung on all day, reminded me of the word 'Chiaroscuro'. In filmmaking, it's a high-contrast lighting technique. Using a low key lighting setup, a key light is used as the single light source to achieve dark backgrounds with starkly-lit subjects. 

The key light here of course was the setting sun, only visible for a few minutes. The subjects: the mountains and the river and the clouds.

We get some epic weather and sunsets here in Wenatchee. With a two-hundred-and-seventy-degree view of the surrounding valleys and mountains, they're a spectacle to watch. Thanks Dad for the love and appreciation of beautiful weather.

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