A photo shoot of sorts.

J came out to stay with us for a few days. While he was here, I took him to one of my new-favorite spots half an hour from home. I wanted to mountain bike around and get some shots of him. It was a fun afternoon and we lucked out with some really nice light.

(Taken with his 14mm ultra-wide lens)

It was fun biking around and showing him a little bit what it's like on a photo shoot. Which essentially  means using two-way radios and going back and forth over a section of trail over and over again. It wasn't hard to find cool, curvy sections of trail to set up shots. J spied the funky boulder and offered to hop a little bump in front of it.

The backdrop was epic. A little unbelievable how that landscape is just tucked in the middle of otherwise ordinary farmland amongst the Columbia basin. At one point, I gave J the camera to set up some shots of me.

On the drive home, I pulled over a couple of times to get some photos of the Columbia and the surrounding landscape. I just love it here, on the edge of the mountains. Absolutely love it.

Before coming out to this place to scout and photograph a (real) shoot, the last time I had been there was coincidentally with K and J almost thirteen years ago. J was much smaller back then. K looked the same as she still does. Gorgeous.

Now that we remember this place, we'll keep going back. On a hiking trip a couple weekends ago with the (little) kids, S told us how he wants to go camping there for five nights. That means he'll have to of course miss school. Clever kid. But we'll take him up on the camping idea, if only for a night. It's an incredible little spot.

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