Ski touring with a baby.

We did it with S after we moved to Wenatchee, the whole finding a ton of fun in ski touring up and down forest service roads with him strapped to one of our backs. So it goes without saying we're doing it again, this time with H. For the record: she's a much better ski buddy than Sefton. Sorry S, it's true…

Sure, she may look uncomfortable. But she chilled the whole way up on K's back.

At one point, bless her heart she even fell asleep.

And stayed asleep while we took a break and transitioned to downhill mode. Then she woke up, so I took her. True to her being a better ski buddy, I even got a little 'Woohoo!' from her as we whooshed down the chunky crust of road back to our car.

It's a thing we'll be doing until the snow melts: every week going for a morning ski tour after dropping off S at kindergarten and having our morning espresso. Thanks H for (now) enjoying it maybe as much as Mommy and Daddy.

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