A really big day.

Last Friday was Sefton's first day of kindergarten. It was a big day. For us and for him.

He looks really big. Crazy.

We walked him to the entrance of his new school. As we neared the gate the guy running the dropoff show kindly asked S if he needed help finding his classroom. With courage that made this daddy proud, Sefton took the guy's outstretched hand and let him lead him into school around the corner to his room.

I realized this transition from baby to toddler to slightly-bigger-but-still-small human wasn't a thing with Julian. I was already at work every weekday. With Sefton, I've had the awesome privilege of working from home since we moved to Wenatchee almost four years ago. I've been around to share nearly all the moments with him. 

Consequently, this transition was tough for me.

On the one hand necessary. K and I have jobs after all. Having S home demands a lot. Speaking of jobs, letting someone whose job it is to take care of and teach our little boy is almost magical. On the other hand, I knew I'd miss him. Maybe more so, I'd miss these last four years. I'd miss really long trips we'd take together. He'll be in school the rest of his childhood. That's a big shift that I found myself having a hard time wrapping my head around.

He's of course still our little boy. When we picked him up later that day nothing was more evident as he rushed out to throw his arms around Mommy.

I'll continue to reminisce about all the time we had together. In the meantime, we get to celebrate him as he shows off his bravery for taking this really big step in stride.

ps… checking out the school's Facebook page, K spied with her little eye…

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