11 months.

Sheesh, Daddy is behind on posting your photos sweetie. Partly because you were sort of a little turd when we were trying to take them. I know, you weren't feeling 100%. You were sort of snotty and sort of drool-y. We still love you.

Let's see… You pretty much stopped crawling on your tummy and you've taken to purely skooching on your butt. We can hear you coming from across the house. You've started pointing! You recognize noses and mouths, mostly. Probably good not so much eyes or we'd have to start wearing safety glasses. Your fifth tooth still hasn't popped through but we can tell it's bugging you. You're still hit-or-miss on car rides: sometimes you do great and other times you have lots of complaints. We can't set you down in the front yard because of all the tiny rocks, which you apparently equate to some sort of delicacy. We both love this moment in time with you and are also ready (maybe more so Daddy than Mommy) for when we can feel a little more productive around you. Yeah, basically you're at the stage where it's tough to get stuff done.

Don't worry though little Lump. You're still stuck with us. Speaking of us, you absolutely adore your big brother. We think he gets more Hadley kisses than Mommy and Daddy combined. Also, he loves you just as much right back!

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