Birthday hike.

Last week for my birthday I asked to hike what instantly became one of my favorites after trail running it last year on my birthday. It's maybe the best time of the year while the wildflowers are in full bloom. Just outside the town of Cashmere about fifteen minutes from home, the view from the top of our favorite place in the world is incredible. Which is why it's such a special hike.

Somewhat sadly, April's record snowfall in the valley seemed to have stunted the wildflower bloom. What gave us powder days in April maybe took away a good chunk of our wildflower show. Last year they were off the hook.

The green hillsides of the canyon and of the Wenatchee Valley though were still beautiful in the waning afternoon sun.

It's a bit of a trek to the top. Three miles and almost two thousand feet of elevation gain. Sefton trucked it up the whole way! This made it his furthest and tallest hike yet.

The view east through the Wenatchee Valley back to our little town wasn't as epic as the view west to the Enchantments, but still wonderful. The edge of Mission Ridge ski area (specifically, Bowl 4 as it's called) can be seen on the far right. 

That view west though was captivating. The mountains seemed close enough almost to touch.

We could have stayed there awhile if we didn't have a date with the local ice cream shop back in town. Sefton definitely earned some! So K took the Lump for the way down and we gathered our snacks to leave. The hike down was gorgeous. We have no idea where S gets his energy. It's impressive.

Sure, he looks tired there but looks can be deceiving. He easily hiked and ran all the way back to the car, pretty much chattering the whole way.

We'll go back in a couple weeks to see if the wildflowers have had a bumper explosion. Maybe, too, in the fall when all the colors are muted and golden.

ps - the ice cream was delicious…

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