The last last day (but not the last day).

We thought we had closed out the season at Mission Ridge two Sundays ago. Then Wenatchee, and with it Mission Ridge, got another record snowfall last week. Yep, during the week Mission Ridge recorded four feet of new snow. They hardly got that amount during the entire 2021-22 season. This storm cycle essentially doubled their base.

So what did we do? We skied some really (really) deep powder. Like, insanely deep. The kind of deep where you lose your skis if they come off (and they did) deep. Yeah, it was deep.

That last photo is from one of my favorite stashes. It was there a couple years ago on a mere twenty-four-inches-in-twenty-four-hours day where I felt, for the first time, the floating sensation of skiing steep and deep powder. Also, where I got my first face shots. It's why skiing powder is so addicting.

But I was really only up there 'scouting' for K. We convinced our friends to watch our kids again so the two of us could go up the next day and ski more powder. On the way up, we got stuck in the last lineup of cars trying to get a parking space. Three cars ahead of us I spied our neighbor Kevin's truck. He got the second to last spot and dare I say we sneaked into the last spot. Plus-one for little vehicles!

He took us around the mountain to a few stashes neither of us had been.

It dumped all day. Because Mission needed even more snow. From what had been their closing weekend, they opened last weekend and will be spinning lifts this weekend and next weekend. We'll be going up every one of those days, guaranteed.

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