Half a mil.

This evening I opened my 'Home Report' email from Zillow for our old house. Then audibly gasped. The thing is estimated at $506,200. Half a million dollars.

Curiously, that seems more than similar comps in the neighborhood. I can only assume it's because of the kick ass job we did tearing that thing down from the inside (and outside) and rebuilding it. Also, it has a two full baths, a two-car detached garage and a fully-finished basement. 

During our time, it went from this:

To this:

From this:

To this:


To this:

And maybe the piece de résistance… from this:

To this, complete with heated floors and a jacuzzi tub (admittedly, we miss the heated floors):

There wasn't a room we spared. Even the garage and basement got pretty massive facelifts. We were there twelve years. I started ripping out stuff in that front yard within a week after moving in, and we were hanging the crown molding in the living room the week before we moved out. In between, we learned a ton about all things remodeling. Rebuilding that house and converting our van are two of our crowning achievements.

I'm still not sure I can believe it's worth what Zillow says it's worth. Regardless, we definitely put a lot of sweat into that place and we certainly hope the new owner has been enjoying calling it home.

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