10 months.

Wow, you're already ten months old. Soon you'll be a year. As Gretchen Rubin said, 'The days are long but the years are short.' So it goes. 

You've gotten a lot more fun, I have to say. Whatever upgrade you recently downloaded came with a bunch of new tricks. They bring Daddy, Mommy, and Sefton endless enjoyment. Let's see, there's my all-time favorite (and the one I'd been waiting for)… clapping! Yay! Clap clap clap!

There's the one you throw down many times throughout the day, randomly… So big!

I'll just be talking to you and saying something like 'How have you gotten so big?' and you'll throw up both of your arms and give a huge smile. That's our girl. The latest trick is… blow kisses.

Which is sort of like smacking yourself with your open hand. It needs finessing, which may come with your next upgrade. Time will tell.

You love to share. You're always sharing. Your half-eaten bites, your toys… a stick you found in the grass…

It's what you do and we love for it. Don't ever lose that, sweetie.

Otherwise, you're absolutely adorable and we're still thinking of keeping you. If you'll have us, that is…

For good measure, your big brother at ten months (when I was trying to take his picture the Little Turd wouldn't look at the camera)…

And while we were taking your ten month photos (he's still sometimes a little turd)…

What will you look like in five years?

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