The great greening has begun.

Instead of our Wednesday playdate with friends at one of the various playgrounds around town, they suggested a hike up to Saddle Rock. 'Have you ever been up the Jacobsen trail?' I asked my buddy. 'A few years ago,' he said. 'It was pretty muddy.' Yep, been there for the mud. I didn't think it'd be like that because the other trails have been pretty dry so we met him and his two kids a little after 4 o'clock today.

Sefton and Evan did awesome hiking while Joel carried Joanna and Katie carried Hadley. Umm, I took photos.

Soon, the wildflowers will start popping again and the foothills will be awash in yellows and purples. For now, they're just starting to show their springtime green. It's pretty spectacular to see.

One of the more casual runs in town follows the obvious trail in the photo above to the saddle left of center and then to the top of Castle Rock in the middle of the frame. It's a good one.

That photo of S has quickly become a (recent, anyway) favorite of mine. It just captures him perfectly.

Looks like maybe Mission Ridge, buried in the clouds above, got some snow today???

The seemingly-insignificant pointy bump left of center catching the sun is Old Butte, the less-seeming insignificant crag as seen from our house. In fact, I can see our house in that photo which is sort of fun. Wenatchee is awesome.

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