Our little barista.

K mentioned in her recent post how part of Sefton's upgrade has been his seemingly-insatiable desire to help. It's pretty adorable. K and I want to do everything we can to encourage him so he doesn't lose what seems like an innate desire for him. Showing him how to do things we're doing and letting him feel big and independent goes a long (long) way with his temperament. 

The other day, I walked out of the office to see him on his stool helping K make our afternoon coffee. So I grabbed my camera. She walked him through every step, from filling the grinder's hopper with beans, to dispensing the grounds into the portafilter, to pushing the brew button and watching the timer, to steaming the milk, all the way through to pouring it into our mugs. Complete with a little swirl.

That kid never fails to impress.

Worth mentioning: as I type this, he and K are in the kitchen together. He just shouted, 'Hey Daddy! We're making holiday toffee bark!' 

A few trips ago to Goodwill, I spotted this kids activity kit of cooking tools and a recipe book for $6. It's been his favorite thing ever since. He's helped make three of the recipes. Every night we thumb through it before bedtime. I never would have suspected it would have been that popular with him, but I should have known because, yep, it allows him to do what he loves to do best: help.

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