9 months.

Let's see, sweetie… We're only a few days behind taking photos of you. Today, you played Hide and Go Seek with Daddy for the first time! You peeked around the corners and followed me, smiling and giggling. You clapped together two shapes from your sorter (getting closer to clapping your hands!). The other day, you waved at Mommy through the sliding door after we all left you by yourself to eat breakfast inside while we sat on the porch. You still smile all the time and are crawling more and more. It's technically more of a scooch but you get yourself around. 

Oh, and you're absolutely gorgeous. Daddy says so.

Hmm, here (above) it seems you may have some concerns… Oh, okay, never mind. Back to playing with your toy.

Of course, your big brother when we was nine months old. Oh right, that one was beautiful, too. Also, pretty dang smiley…

And the other day on our hike

Still awfully handsome. But wait, this is about you sweetie. 

You also like to play the piano. And instead of just banging on the keys like your big brother, you play much softer and dare we say more melodically. We still love you and are still planning on keeping you a little longer.

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