Problem, solution.

After scouting Pinnacles State Park this past Sunday for a crag we could set up a toprope in order to photograph some Sterling climbing gear, we looked at the forecast for a good day to shoot. Today was forecast sunny with highs in the mid-forties. Later this week the temps start to drop. As soon as H woke from her second nap, we made our afternoon lattes and headed out to the spot we had found. K joked on the way how, 'What if they closed the park for the winter?' I admitted to having that thought Sunday, thinking that come Monday they may decide to shut it down.

As it turned out, when we got to the state park the gate was locked with a sign that read: Closed for winter. Uhh…

After half thinking of just walking around it and heading up to shoot, we thought better of that. K whipped out her phone as I drove back to Highway 2 and headed west to Leavenworth fifteen minutes away. She found a spot that sounded like it'd have walkup access to the top of the crag where we could set an anchor. It was worth checking out.

Despite sun back at Pinnacles we found ourselves right on the edge of an impressive weather system in Icicle Canyon. It held off while we scouted the place looking for a good spot to shoot. I hauled all of our gear while K carried H just in case we were able to quickly find a suitable location. We did.

I set up a quick toprope before rappeling back down to K and taking over baby duty while she got her climbing gear ready. We made use of the remaining light and got some shots.

Sefton stopped running around for a second to ask me, 'Daddy take my picture!' He laid down next to Hadley and I fired off a few frames before he told me abruptly, 'Okay that's enough pictures Daddy.' I guess we were done.

As we wrapped up shooting gear, Hadley was sort of losing it. She was cold. K and I turned around from what we were doing to see her big brother taking good care of her. It was a pretty adorable moment, I'm not gonna lie.

As we hiked back to the car in the fading daylight with gear and kids in tow, K and I had the same thought at the same time: Heidleburger for dinner?

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