All in a day's work.

We've been working on another photography project, this one for Sterling Rope. It meant going to Riverfront Rock Gym. Like taking Sefton to Edgeworks Climbing when he was a month old for J's seventeenth birthday, we're starting H young. Dare I say she had a good time, too.

S as he is with all new things was a bit intimidated. He tried it although didn't get much higher off the ground than he is tall.

Today, he was already asking to go back. He'll get there soon enough and be topping out on the tallest routes. While I photographed, K climbed. Earlier it was her day to volunteer as a belayer with the Brave Warrior Project's adaptive rock climbing program. She was already at the gym when I rolled in with the two kids.

She climbed and I photographed. 

It's an awesome gym. Apparently, we'll be back so S can get a little higher.

Since it was Friday and we were climbing and taking pictures, we swung by the new wood fired pizza truck Mama Tina's that was parked between the gym and home. They live right around the corner and we felt we should try them out. We're pretty stoked every week about our own wood fired pizza, but theirs was pretty good. Also, much easier.

All in all, a really fun family Friday. 

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