Someone loves the ocean.

This is why we go spend a few days at the ocean with K's family. To see our little boy, at first sight of the ocean and the waves, go running to the water with glee.

After a summer of heat and smoke, the beach with its steady-seventy-degree climate and eternal misting action would seem like a respite. Except the time we were there the temps back home dropped into the 80s and even upper 70s. Oh, and apparently there was a once-in-a-lifetime sunset we also missed. So the sideways blowing mist all day Saturday on the coast wasn't awesome. K and I admittedly missed home a little.

But then the mist cleared and the sun came out. After dinner, I put H in the Baby Björn and we traipsed the half mile or so through the bushes and sand to the ocean. As soon as he saw it, Sefton raced out to meet the waves. He jumped in them, drew circles and lines with his stick, and stuck his hands in the gooey sand all while the sun set brilliantly just above the horizon.

Yep, that's why we go to the ocean.


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