
 Last night we got a proper storm.

It moved in quickly from the south as we were putting S to bed. We could watch the swaths of rain erase the sky before everything darkened to a near ink-black.

Then we were inside the storm.

In true desert fashion, it was over almost as soon as it began, trailing north up the Columbia.

Once Squish was asleep I chased the remaining light and clouds.

The fragrance of wet sagebrush is powerful. Intoxicating. Then it happened. As I was shooting, I saw a bolt of lightning arc through the frame. Then another. 

The sky was otherworldly. Surreal.

To the north, it was finally clearing.

Into the evening and then the night, lightning kept flashing, far off in the distance. We'd catch it out of the corner of our eye. Yes, a proper storm.

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