Happy birthday, Tint1n!

One year ago, we bought a van. Then we spent the summer converting it into a camper van. Good times. On our really long trip last fall, K named him Tint1n. He's a T1N Sprinter, after all. Clever, my wife. We've taken him out a few times this spring, even, before parking him now for a bit to do some maintenance and some modifications. Oh, and have a baby.

For Tint1n's birthday, we thought we'd celebrate by giving him a paint job. Well, a fake one. Just to try out options. Here's maybe my favorite. I call it Desat Glacier Blue.

Too much? Or too dark? In that case, we have Light Metallic Grey.

Wait, darker is better? Fine then. How about Dark Metallic Grey.

Or, for a splash of some color and another favorite of mine, Desat Forest Green.

Oh gosh, so lighter is better? Okay, okay. Desat Sage Green. This is K's favorite. I could go for it, too. It would match the interior colors well (natural wood, white, and a very light grey).

Or like so many Sprinters we see out there… Beige.

Or darker beige, which I'm calling Weathered Cedar.

For a slight change of pace and inspired by a worn North Cascades coffee mug of mine, there's North Cascades Orange. Katie didn't like this one much.

No, no, wait! I've got it. Sefton loves painting in Photoshop, so Daddy let him mock up his own van. Behold… Rainbow!

Granted, those are all dependent on us being ambitious enough to fork over more than a grand for a new paint job. Probably five grand for the rainbow option. So there's the ol' DIY version… Black Hood.

Regardless of painting or no painting, we have absolutely loved having you in the family, Tint1n. Here's to a ton more adventures (and with a mini-mini adventurer soon, too!)…

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