Hadley Rose.

She was born at 8:22am Wednesday, June 23. A summer baby. She offsets our winter baby, Sefton. Proper.

Hadley Rose. Rose is K's middle name. Hadley means 'field of heather.' Like Sefton, it's also an old English surname. Of all the mountain ranges we have visited and explored, it's the subalpine heather fields of the North Cascades that always call us home. From one of the first trips we did into the mountains together (and, seven years later, where I'd propose to her)…

To super-remote climbs in the Pickets…

To a favorite spot of K's in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness…

And my favorite place in the North Cascades…

To the spot we hiked when K was five months pregnant with Sefton and from where we could see that mountain on which I had proposed

She was born right down the street. Our house was visible from the hospital window. On the evening we came home, the light in the valley was again incredible. The hospital is just left of center…

Through it all, we missed Sefton. Nana and Papa had come to watch him. With the cash we left for them, they took him to Goodwill (the 'Blue and Yellow Store') and he found a toy computer. It was really joyful to see his smile, to hear his giggles.

He also found a toy for Hadley and brought it to her. Our little boy was very excited to meet his baby sister. He's pretty infatuated. K and I don't blame him. 

So are we.

Welcome to the big, beautiful world, Hadley, and this crazy little family. #hadleyseeksadventure

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