Last night.

It had clouded up yesterday afternoon. Weather was moving in, and with it colder air. Right before sunset, the sun dipped beneath the cloud layer to light up the mountains and the valley. We put S to bed. I walked out of his bedroom after having put him down and noticed the light. Without thinking, I grabbed my 5D and a few lenses and headed outside.

In my haste and, well, distraction from the evening light, I spaced on having organized a planning call for my two buddies and I to go over our Wind River itinerary. K came outside to gently remind me I had a meeting and Matt had texted. Oops.

They were gracious. Matt, especially, being a photographer himself and understanding the call of epic light. We did get a quick itinerary drafted, enough for him to arrange a shuttle and rental car for us when we land in Pinedale later this summer. I texted him and Ben some photos.

'Wow,' Matt replied, 'you live in a special place.' Yep, we do really love it here I told him.

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