
K shared an Instagram post from a friend. He had hung Ikea shelves where he kept his camera gear. I thought it was brilliant. Even better, we had bought a couple of shelves from the As-Is section at, well, Ikea a while back. They didn't work in our bathroom like we thought they might, so were literally collecting dust under our vanity.

I hung them in our office and set my camera bodies and lenses within easy reach.

The difference between these shelves and the shelf built-in to our floating wall is these are functioning. Read: not just for decoration. Or to hold up books. These are meant to be grab-and-go.

Rather than tucked away in a cabinet, now I'll be able to quickly grab what I need when the light is right. Or when we're packing for a trip.

Worth noting… every camera body on the lower shelf is from the infamous 2005 Canon era. There's The Beast, my 1Ds MkII.

The photographs that thing captures are pretty mindblowing. The little 20D to its right? I've taken some of my best photographs with that one. Next to it, then, is the legendary 5D Classic… #3.

This one is a backup of my first backup, which died last summer. I've since found two more on eBay, making #4 and #5. I really don't look forward to when these original 5D bodies are no longer available. Their 'mythical' color isn't just me waxing nostalgic about them. It's a thing.

Many people have come to this conclusion, and I am inclined to agree – the Canon 5D Classic has a certain filmic feel to the images. The colours are so rich and vibrant and there’s a certain organic nature to the images of which the 5D creates.  I’ve always found that the images I get out of the 5D Classic rarely need drastic editing, and are usually perfect out of the camera.

The truth is, the magic color isn't unique only to the first 5D. It holds true for all Canon cameras produced in the same timeframe, 2005-2006. Before Canon's 'secret sauce' grew bloated, trying to compensate for smaller pixels.

Mythical or not, I'll keep shooting these bad boys until I absolutely cannot find them anywhere, anymore. Also, for fun, I found a cool pillow during our most recent trip to Goodwill. After all, I'm not a real photographer if I don't have a camera pillow.

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