7 days in the last 2 weeks.

With K about five weeks from her due date, we'll finally be settling down. For the past two weeks, we've spent half of them in the van.

Beginning with our annual trip to the North Cascades for skiing and sunshine. A sort-of-birthday weekend.  Last weekend, we finally headed far enough north and east to check out, for the first time, Lake Roosevelt. 

And during this week, we joined K's parents and their friends for a couple of days at Lake Wenatchee. 

The last time I was there Julian was nine years old.

This time around, there was our other little boy playing in the water. The whitecaps and, heck, the snow level, looked identical.

I stole away for a bit to take photos of the sunset on our first evening.

The next day dawned clear and still. Sefton found his way back to the water.

The van was as cozy as ever, but less-so for my pregnant wife.

Squish and I whiled away the afternoon on the beach, while K enjoyed some time sitting and watching. Also, taking some photos.

Eventually, it was time for dinner, and a campfire. K builds them like a pro.

We had cherry pudgy pies. Graham, K's parent's friend, had two. Then we enjoyed one more night.

Now the van is going to sit again for a bit. We have a laundry list of things to do, both mechanical as well as some tweaks to the campervan. Changing the glow plugs, adding some pop-up countertops, more tie-down points. It'll be good to do some work on it again. Before we know it, we'll have a baby and will be taking out the van again, figuring out how to make it work with four of us instead of three.

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