
 So this is what happens when our friends leave us to be responsible for their first-born child [video below]…

We felt horrible. 

Worth noting: Evan was perfectly fine. A little shook up, but otherwise unscathed. Also, K asked him if he needed help down 'the hill' before going ahead of him to get Sefton's helmet in the garage. 

Thankfully, we had also just baked a batch of Sweet Loren's Fudgy Brownie cookies. The diversion worked and Evan seemed to forget all about The Wipeout.

My friend Joel, in our text exchange this afternoon, did offer, 'I should definitely have mentioned that he hasn't done much as far as inclines.' True dat. Given that fact, K and I were impressed by how Evan just went for it. We remember how Sefton, the first time he was presented with our sloped sidewalk, gingerly walked his bike down. Not Joel's kid. Props Evan, props.

Oh, we also sent them home with a fresh-baked loaf of banana bread. It's the least we could offer after having nearly-maimed their child.

ps… It wasn't lost on us afterward how his helmet was emblazoned with the word 'Wipeout.' Which made us wonder if that's the wisest name for a bike helmet…

pps… We're thankful for those metal trash cans the previous owners left us…

ppps… This whole episode sort of reminded me of the famous 'DO A PIZZA!' ski video (definitely worth the minute-fourteen seconds if you have it)…

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