Two years ago this past weekend…

 … We came out to look at our house. I told the story in the first post on this blog, titled, 'One year ago today.' Here are some of the photos. As I mentioned in that post, K didn't take any photos of the other three houses we had looked at that day. Guess that was a sign.

Sefton fell asleep on the drive…

Speaking of driving, I look pretty ecstatic…

Yesterday, we hooked that dorky tree up to the hitch on our RAV and yanked it out of the ground. Just sayin'…

Matt and I check out the garage. They left some useful stuff behind, including a little bag full of irrigation supplies that I've since beefed up a bit… Oh and those trash cans, which pretty much every other week we fill with more yard detritus and have picked up at the curb.

We'd put the code-locking handle from upstairs in our bedroom on the door and turn that room into a little REI storefront. One thing we immediately respected about the previous owners: They had that room wired for ski irons and vented to remove the hot wax fumes. Proper.

Matt and I check out the view from the master bedroom balcony. We haven't gotten tired of it in two years…

Looking back into the master bedroom from the balcony…

Apparently, the master bedroom was so big it required K to take a pano… Afterall, it was the thing that sold her on the house.

Tucked away behind to the left is the giant soaking tub. Even though we were leaving behind a new jetted tub, this one was agreeably bigger. As far as tubs go, bigger is better. Jets or no jets.

Squish found toys in what would become his room! 

The leaves on the big ol' birch out front were in full-blown autumn swing…

We obviously fell in love with the house, and Wenatchee, and the climate, and the mountains. But like I wrote in that first post… Little did we know what we were getting ourselves into.

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