Fourth Saturday: We painted a room.

 Not having forgotten about our Fourth Saturdays project, since buying our van every fourth Saturday has been about it. Every other Saturday, too. Pretty much every day, as well. Now that we've been back from our big trip, it was time for another Fourth Saturday. For this one, we painted a room.

According to the label on the paint container, we bought it a little over a year ago. Yeah, time to actually use it.

After all, there was lots of white. Lots and lots of white.

K has discovered a weakness in her husband's armor, or resolve, or something. A weakness nonetheless. If she wants me to get around to doing something, say, like painting a room for which we dropped thirty bucks or so for a gallon of paint over a year ago, she starts it. Just a little bit. Like here, she painted a part of a wall to, as she claimed, 'Get a feel for the color.'

I'd call BS if I didn't think it was brilliant. Because it is, brilliant. No wonder I married her. Within days, I had dismantled the room, cracked open the can of paint, and got to work cutting in. 

Since this is her craft room, we went with Valspar 5001-3c Blue Arrow. It's a nice, calm blue. Not too dark, while giving the room a more cozy feel. Painting is easy, and this room is small. It only took a couple of hours and it was done.

Always an important consideration (one we make long before cracking open a can of paint): How does it look with the color(s) of the rooms within view? For this room, it's only the hallway. We painted that a year ago. The two go well together, we think.

That's certainly one benefit of going grey. I think that makes seven rooms we've painted. Sefton's will likely be next as we've just started designing the bed we're going to build-in for him. Like his old bedroom, his room may include mountains.

Oh, that chair in the corner? Yep, we got it at the Goodwill.

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