Trail running.

I was never into trail running. Probably because we didn't live near any trails. It seemed for some reason weird to drive somewhere to go running when I could just go running out my front door. Well, in Wenatchee I can go trail running out my front door. #gamechanger

It's about a mile to any one of four different trailheads that head up into the scrubby foothills. I can get from eight hundred to sixteen hundred feet of vert, depending on trail and length. Running single-track trails along ridges is just kind of sublime.

For my birthday, Julian got me a hydration pack. That'll be awesome to stash my phone (vs. carrying it or wearing an armband) as well as (duh) carrying water and maybe a Gu or something.

It's just so fun.

For Mother's Day, we drove up toward Mission Ridge. On the trail, I walked with Squish while K trail ran. Sefton explored the creek, climbed on rocks, and inspected patches of crusty snow for ants. Eventually, K came back after a respectable few miles. We swapped, and I took off running.

It was amazing. We figured out a 7-mile loop we'd be able to make to avoid the out-and-back. Running through open forest fifteen minutes from home… priceless.

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