Mother's Day.

For Mother's Day, I of course made K coffee. Then she cooked us up some breakfast burritos. We ate outside on the patio with J before bidding farewell to him. He had to work, after all. The three of us then headed up to the hills where we traded off hiking with the Little and trail running.

It was awesome. Fun to explore with Sefton and see the world through his fascination, fun to run through the trees. Then we headed off for a loop around the Stemilt valley. We hadn't been through it yet. Absolutely beautiful.

For some reason, this view of the Squilchuck valley looking toward Mission Ridge reminded me of a similar view in New Zealand.

That was just outside Arrowtown. Had I panned left, The Remarkables would have been visible. Yeah, we live in a pretty awesome place if it reminds me of, well, New Zealand.

I picked K some balsamroot. Apparently, it's really hard to grow despite the fact it's all over the hill just above our house. We want some in our backyard.

The Stemilt valley is chocked full of orchards. When we got home, K gardened a little.

Oh, and along the road, we yanked on a few larch tree saplings to see how deep the roots went. As it turned out, not very far. Like, weeds have deeper roots. So we planted them in buckets, stuck them under a drip line, and are going to see how they do for a year. If they survive, I'll be very, very, very excited.

Overall, a pretty wonderful day.

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