Working from home | By Katie.

I am fairly seasoned at the whole work from home situation. Since 2012-ish when I was promoted to a production artist and had a computer job. Back then (yikes! do I say "back then" now?) we had Mac-mini's as our work computer that we had to VNC (virtual network connection) from our personal computers, and essentially use our work computer in the office, controlled by our home computer. This would often "wake-up" the monitors at work, otherwise everyone in the office could watch you work on your screen, with no one sitting at the desk. It was not uncommon to receive an email or text from a co-worker requesting to put their monitor cover up because they forgot to do so they night before.

After Sefton was born, I began working from home 2x a week to help our childcare situation, and that's been my schedule for the past 3+ years. Now with all of the current events, I haven't been in the office for work since February 19th. 
The company stated that all workers should WFH, and since the more recent news of "stay at home" through the 30th, there is no telling when I will be subjected to going back to work. Before this was announced, but impending, I did make a trip to swing into the empty office and grab some of my hardware to make working from home for the long haul easier, such as a monitor, my keyboard, my ergonomic mouse (how some can use the trackpad for design work is beyond my skills), and the docking station that works with my newer generation laptop ports. Also to rescue my plant that hadn't been tended to in several weeks. The office was empty, quiet, and eerie. 

Here is my now remote desk space. I'll have you know this is more space than my actual desk in the office, likely more ergonomic, and much more convenient to work from. And... I get a window!

I do put on jeans most days, and I do put on make-up. I do maintain some level of professionalism. 

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