An Ode to the Aid | By Katie

Have you ever thought about which appliance in your kitchen is the hardest worker? Which one contributes the most to your meals?

For our household, the answer is obviously the espresso machine...

Kidding, the coffee machine gets plenty of use, but the Kitchen-Aid mixer is the clear winner in our kitchen. (pictured to the right is the electric tea kettle we scored for $5 at a garage sale. cutting board of a trail map leading to the enchantments as a gift, my sister-in-law burned into the board, next to that, glass mosaic tile with bottles and apples, another gift from a different sister-in-law)

I bought this mixer back when I lived in the mother-in-law apartment Thom helped me find in Puyallup. There was a sale going on at Tuesday Morning I caught and promptly went the moment it started. I scored this 500 Pro-Line Kitchen-Aid mixer for under $275. Considering this mixer still retails for $350 10-ish years later shows its value through test of time. This mixer has made countless pizza crusts (weekly for the most part).

The fluffiest frosting (this whipped up yesterday at the request from Sefton for "rainbow cookies")

I like to buy large pork-loins from Costco, and process the pork through the meat grinder attachment, making ahead ground pork, and sausage patties. Last night we processed several pounds of ground pork (usually we freeze the raw ground pork, but we decided to mass-cook then store this go-round)

Other things we have made using this powerful machine is:
-Spiralized vegetables

Needles to say, this machine sits out on my countertop and remains out. It's too heavy to move, and not terrible to look at, and used so often, it is there for all the uses. 

Thanks for reading my ad for Kitchen-aid. 
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