Old Butte.

We finally did it: scrambled up to the summit of Old Butte. It's the craggy mountain we see from our house.

We've hiked and ran around it, but never actually made the 30' scramble to the top.

It's not the highest peak around, but a fun little climb. Especially with a toddler on my back. The view back to our house is cool. The ol' adage, 'I can see my house from here!' is fitting.

Our house is at the very bottom of the frame, just right of center. Then, looking south down the Columbia...

It was a nice morning, if not a pretty muddy trail.

The thing is, last year on this weekend Mission had a huge powder day. They got 26" of snow in 24 hours. It was insane in the membrane.

This year, winter never came... But we still have fun getting outside.

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