We bought a car.

A lot of this blog, for now, is going to be looking back through last year. Granted, most blogging is looking back. It's just this will be looking further back than normal because I was lame and didn't get around to starting this until, well, now. A year and change after we moved into this house. There's some catching up to do.

Case in point: last October, we sold our beloved Corolla, Spencer M Winthrop. 

I bought him back in 2009. Ten years ago. We'd gone on lots of trips together.

He loved it here in Wenatchee, where he got dumped on with snow.

Unfortunately, we didn't have as much use for a 4-door sedan anymore. A few years ago we sold K's Yaris to buy Luna, our 2001 RAV4. So we have the 4WD adventure vehicle. We just needed something with more room to hold, well, outdoor gear. Who knows what else. Maybe another Little... Years ago, on a trip to Salt Lake City to hike in the Wasatch, we got handed a Mazda 5 at the rental agency. K loved it. I thought it was sort of dorky.

Last year, however, we'd see a 5 driving around with outdoorsy stickers and a roof rack. Suddenly, the dorky little mini-mini-van seemed kind of cool. Spunky. So we bought one.

A 2006 with a stick shift. We have most of the Thule rack components from Spencer and Sophie (umm, K's Yaris), we just need the feet to attach it to the roof. Someday. In the meantime, it's actually really cool having a vehicle that has sliding doors and a hatch. We can fit a bike and the trailer in the back. Bonus: the Zoom Zoom is real. This thing is peppy.

Oh, and his name is Maverick. Welcome to the fam, Mav.

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