That time of year.

Mmm. The smell of hot ski wax. No, seriously. I love it.

Thankfully, the previous owners were ski coaches. They wired a dual-pole, 20-amp breaker for the ski iron.

Oh, and the wax room as it's labeled on the electrical panel also has an exhaust fan. Proper. It was just a matter of assembling this table I've had since the Kodak lab I worked at twenty years ago or so closed down. Finally breaking down and buying a real ski vice instead of using ones I hacked together. Admittedly, I found one 'Certified Refurbished' on Amazon.

Two pairs of skis down. A few more to go. Oh, we also have our old stereo down in the basement, too. Crank up some music, imbibe with a tasty beverage (Üllr is certainly proper), and enjoy the process of making skis slide.

Now if winter would just come. It's pouring rain as I write this...

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