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AI Imagination | By Katie

We just celebrated Sefton turning 8. A big year ahead for sure. Every year for Sefton's birthday party, we usually send out invitations to his entire classroom, inviting them to the local sledding hill to hang out. Always politely declining gifts, we are just happy to have a fun winter option that doesn't cost a small fortune, that it seems people are generally excited to come. We host it on MLK day, as it is one of the wiaved fee days at state parks, it's a Monday in January after a long break, meaning parents are home with their kids, and they enjoy the chance to get out with something to do. I always bring hot chocolate, and coffee in insulated growlers. Ample snacks, juice boxes, and of course some sort of sweet dessert. Lastly we bring a firepit for the grown-ups and kids alike to stand and warm themselves up between sledding runs. It's always a great time. To start the invitations, I thought this could be a perfect chance to experiment with adobe's new AI gene...

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